Founded in 2012, Funanga AG and its three partner enterprises in the online payment sector—Calida Financial Ltd., TWBS Ltd. (both wholly owned by Campamocha Holding Ltd.), and Surfer Rosa Ltd.— join forces with SGT German Private Equity GmbH & Co. KGaA to form The Payments Group Holding. Together, they will offer a comprehensive range of online payment services, including embedded financial services, prepaid technologies, and global payment and payout solutions. This combination will create a specialist and pioneer in vertically-integrated financial services, unprecedented in the industry. Our business customers will benefit from superior solutions, a strong market position, and extensive synergies among the involved companies.
Connecting 550,000 points of sale (POS) and over 500 merchants globally, we support transactions in dozens of local currencies for a smooth and efficient purchasing experience. Our extensive reach ensures your needs are met quickly and effectively. Our payment solutions are truly universal.
transformative experience
We focus on creating frictionless checkout and payment experiences that focus on convenience, security and simplicity.
The most flexible payment services, tailor-made to suit your business and ambitions.
We empower your business for global commerce with our vast portfolio of popular, local payment services and currencies.
Are you looking for a secure and reliable payments partner? Let’s chat and explore opportunities together.
The Payments Group is a Registered Trademark, Nr 302024007753.3.
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